Working with a lineman here, de energizing a transformer that feeds one of the lifts. I had to work on a 480 volt disconnect, and we don't like working with it hot. So I had the lineman pull the feeder cables here. He's using a 'hot stick' and also wearing high voltage gloves, for added safety. The circuit he's working is hot 12,460 volts.
The high voltage 12,460 comes in on the left, where he's working, and the low voltage from the transformer, comes out on the wires on the right. The transformer drops the high voltage from transmission levels, to working voltage levels, like 480 volts. This is a very common voltage used in industrial applications. This is also 3 phase power, 3 hot wires, Both on the high and the low voltage side.
The high voltage 12,460 comes in on the left, where he's working, and the low voltage from the transformer, comes out on the wires on the right. The transformer drops the high voltage from transmission levels, to working voltage levels, like 480 volts. This is a very common voltage used in industrial applications. This is also 3 phase power, 3 hot wires, Both on the high and the low voltage side.